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do's and don'ts of whiteboard animation videos

Creating a unique Whiteboard Animation is not a simple process, a little thought is required before getting started. Here are a few do’s and don’ts that will help you get your video in motion.

1. Focus on one strong, specific message – Even if you offer a variety of services or a large amount of information, choose one topic to discuss in your video. When it comes to Whiteboard Animation we highly recommended focusing on one or two key topics, in order to avoid confusion among your target audience. It’s also important that you reduce the information you wish to convey to a specific action or conclusion.

2. Don’t make your Whiteboard too long – A good Whiteboard video is short and to the point. Studies show that most viewers will not watch a video over two minutes long. In fact, 60% of them will stop watching around that time and 45% of them will stop after only one minute. One of the main advantages of a Whiteboard video is the ability to convey complex messages quickly and effectively. We recommend that you choose a length of about one minute and a half so you have the viewer’s attention throughout the whole video.

3. Don’t be tempted to use a lot of colors – Traditionally Whiteboard Animations are designed to be black drawings on a whiteboard, and that’s what made them so special. You can use colors, but be sure to use them wisely and in small doses. Use the paint in specific places to create an atmosphere or to refine messages and important points (for example, painting your company logo).

4. Use meaningful, bright colors – Each color has a unique character and meaning in different cultures. Think of your target audience and what every color means to them. Try to stick to primary colors and don’t mix too many similar shades. By using colors carefully, you can diversify your video, but still, maintain the clean line and simplicity that characterize Whiteboard Animation.

5. Use the drawing hand – One of the cornerstones of Whiteboard technique is the human hand drawing LIVE. It is important to create a sense of identity for the viewer and an expectation that the video will keep them engaged, which the drawing hand does. We recommended combining the live drawing with animation sequences that are added together during the editing phase.

6. Close with a strong call to action – Your Whiteboard video fails if your viewers finish watching but don’t know what to do afterward. Include a call to action in a clear and concise manner that tells your audience the next steps they need to take. Make sure it’s presented in the right context; however, your prospects don’t want to be “sold to.” You simply want to tell them where they can get more information on your business or product.

Want to learn more? Read our guide to "do's and don'ts of whiteboard animation videos".


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